Daily Planning Whilst In Isolation

Hello lovely people? How are we all doing? I think you will agree that its pretty scary times that we are in. But I know we can get through this together and come out stronger. With the children now being off school for the extended Easter holidays and allot of us in isolation, I know we are all thinking how will we get through this!
Whether you have children at home or are on your own I find daily planning really helps to keep focus and adds much needed routine to the kids. Without planning I can be certain kids and myself would waste away endless hours on I-pads and me watching Keeping Up With The Kardashians (don't judge me!)
So with this in mind we have some beautiful planners and pads in stock from the amazing Welsh designer Sadler Jones.
You certainly don't need allocate every hour of your day, but by just adding a few ideas and knowing when meal times are, it will provide you and the children with some much needed routine.
Some ideas to entertain the kids
- School Work
- Puzzles and Board games
- Arts and Crafts
- Home Baking
- Bug Hunting in the garden
- Yoga and fitness
- Football in the Garden
- Gardening - plant summer bulbs and veg seeds
- Movie Time
- Pamper Sessions - face mask, paint nails, hair styling
As ever I really appreciate your continued support in my little business. Whether you are in a position to purchase products or simply like and comment on social media. It really means allot to me.
For those who are not in a position to order I have designed this lovely printable Daily Planner that I hope will help. If below doesn't work, drop me a message at hello@stoneandcoshop.co.uk and I will ping over the file for you to print out at home.
Please look after yourselves and your family and sending virtual hugs.
Lucy x