Delivery & Returns
Stone & Co gladly offer free delivery on orders over £30 which will be calculated at checkout. Shipping costs on orders under £30 will be calculated during check out and will be dependant on the content of your order.
We do our upmost to get your delivery to you as quickly as possible. And we aim to process all orders within 5 days, and from there you should receive you order within 3-5 working days. With made to order items please allow at least 10 days and 2-5 days for delivery. If you have a urgent item please get in touch and we will do our upmost to get this to you sooner.
For all international orders shipping costs may vary, we will contact you to find the best rate available to your country.
International Deliveries
We are love sending our products all over the world! If you are placing a large order then we can check for the cheapest and quickest delivery for you and provide a quote.
Exchanges and Returns
We are sure you will be delighted with your purchase, but if for whatever reason you are not completely satisfied then please return the item(s) within 14 days of receipt in a unused, unopened resalable condition for for a full product refund or replacement.
The parcel and its contents are your responsibility until delivered, therefore we recommend you send the goods to us by registered post. If the item is faulty then we would be happy to exchange or refund you the full amount including delivery. The refund will be made via your original method of payment, please note this can take up to 3 working days to appear back in your account.
Contact to receive a returns reference and returns address.
Please note: personalised orders are not included in this, and are non refundable unless it is an error on our part.